With our Team of Industrial Chemists and Chemical Engineers of international reputation,we produce and distribute all manners of industrial products and chemicals.

These include:



Our company produces different forms of degreasers for oil companies, factories, both light & heavy-duty industries based on their specifications.

They come under the following categories:

  • Water-Based Degreasers
  • Solvent-Based Degreasers
  • Powdered Degreasers
  • Foaming & Non-Foaming Degreasers
industrial detergents

Domestic & Industrial Detergents

This includes laundry liquid wash which is suitable for homes, hotels, restaurants, dry-cleaning outfits and catering businesses.


Industrial Detergents

This is made to clean up stubborn dirts in small, heavy duty factories & tank farms for oil industries.
They come in both liquid & powdered form as specified by our clients.



This is specially made for conveyor belt systems to oil companies, bottling companies e.g Breweries.
These products are made to ease and lubricate conveyor belt systems during production processes.


Drilling Mud Lubricants

These are special types of additives when mixed in drilling fluids impart lubricating properties into metal & metal to borehole contats under extreme pressure conditions.



We also make different forms of adhesive & glues for different organizations and specifications to include:

  • PVA-Based
  • Starch-Based
  • Lates-Based
  • Powdered-Based

These are made to meet the clients requirements in bottling companies industries, Carpentry factories & paper industries.